Bode Miller, Olympian Openly Grieves Death of his Brother from a Seizure.

 I think we are still living in the Dark Ages when it comes to real men, i.e., Bode Miller, expressing their emotions in public, as was the case of Bode Miller, when he was being interviewed after his medal win. This story here uses the terms "Breaks down over Brother's death." While I did not see the whole interview, I suspect the same reporter may have asked him, "How are you holding up?" It just tells me, this reporter and maybe the larger society, can't handle it when a man shows anything but anger in public. There is nothing wrong with a man expressing emotion, feelings of grief and loss, after the death of a loved one. I don't think the interviewer went too far in asking the question. I object to the terminology used in the article. Men need to be able to grieve the death of their loved ones to eventually arrive at a healthy resolution and a place of peace. -Tim Heller, LCSW http://www.mensgrief.blogspot....


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