Resolve your marriage problems It's hard to admit, but there are times when we need to reach out for help. As a guy, I know how hard that can be because I've had to do it myself. Yes, I've been 'stuck' just like you and needed counseling for men - so I want you to know you're not alone and there are solutions out there. Solutions like Guy Stuff Counseling.

As a counselor for men I've helped hundreds of guys sort through every issue you can imagine, and with great success. Counseling for men can be the ideal place to solve challenges, but going to a counselor and revealing our problems to a stranger can be intimidating and uncomfortable. 

That’s how Guy Stuff Counseling and this website came about. Our goal is to provide a helpful and beneficial resource for men (and the women who love them) to access professional expertise and advice in a convenient, non-threatening manner. On this website we address the common (and not so common) struggles that guys experience in our counseling for men, and we share solutions that work. Take a look around and explore some of the specific solutions we offer for your unique challenge


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